February 7, 2025
Every Friday evening beginning at 7:30 p.m. and ending around 9:00 p.m., we have our weekly worship service. Erev Shabbat means “Eve of the Sabbath” because at sunset the weekly Sabbath begins. We follow our service with a time of fellowship where we enjoy a covered dish-style community meal of Biblically Kosher foods.
(Feast of Dedication)
Join us for a group menorah lighting. We will tell the story of Chanukah, sing traditional songs and celebrate the miraculous victory of the Maccabees over their enemies.
Ladies, join us for a tea party to celebrate Queen Esther and her bravery in saving the Jewish people from annihilation. Learn about tea and tea customs around the world. Tickets $5
(Feast of Lots)
Join us as we celebrate the victory of the Jewish people over evil Haman who was trying to kill them all. We will sing traditional songs, eat traditional foods, and tell the story from the Book of Esther. We will also have our annual “No Talent Show” – a chance to show off your lack of talent in a humorous way.
Join us for our community Passover Seder. Details coming soon.
February 7, 2025